
About Jane Meserole

I currently reside in the DFW Metroplex where I’m afforded the ability to spend hours in traffic contemplating the great woes facing B2B customer experience professionals. I have almost 10 years of B2B experience trying to find the best and most efficient ways to serve customers. I started in commercial HVAC and currently work in commercial cable as a Customer Experience Manager.

The inspiration for CX Simplicity came from a desire to make things easier for a CX program manager or anyone looking to set some customer experience initiatives in motion. When it comes to CX projects, things can get overwhelming, FAST. Process improvement is one of my passions, and finding a more simple and effective way to do things is at the heart of a great customer experience.

With this blog, I will document my experiences and observations and my goal is to create a resource where at least one of the following things can happen:

  • Someone is overwhelmingly inspired to move and shake the customer experience with-in their organization
  • A reader contradicts my opinion resulting in intelligent discussions that will enlighten us all
  • We collaborate on customer experience issues facing today’s B2B professionals and we walk away with new ideas and renewed excitement

I look forward to growing a community where we can help one another succeed in providing a great customer experience in our organizations.