
Benefit from Promoters

It’s really easy to let your loudest, angriest customers get all the attention, but it is important to make sure your organization is benefiting from your extremely satisfied customers, or “promoters.” Capitalize on their satisfaction by having them help you generate additional revenue and improve your operations.

Setup a system for referrals and ASK for them. If you have a B2B referral program in place, make sure your customers know about it and make a compelling case for why they should share their great experience with others. Make this process as easy as possible and prove to them that you have a system in place to follow-up.

Use positive comments on marketing materials. Get customer permission to share all the awesome things they say about you. You can use these comments everywhere! Share verbatim feedback on all forms of communication from your company. And with a steady stream of positive comments, you can change them often to use the most relevant ones.

Offer additional services. Timing is important. Make sure you are increasing share of wallet with your extremely satisfied customers while they are still extremely satisfied. They should know what additional value you can provide and how they’ll be even happier when they buy more things from you.

Involve them in testing and decision making. Promoters are generally really eager to help you improve and develop new and innovative ways to serve them. They can participate in an advisory committee or help with testing a new technology. It is in their best interest to help you improve and they will most likely be honored to help.

The way you handle happy customers is just as important as the way you handle the unhappy ones. Make sure you take the time to develop methods like these in your program.


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